Tales from my life as a mom of 2 sons and 2 daughters


Cheli On Tuesday, January 31, 2006

@@ I hate the clinic

NST was fine, fluid level is fine, River is reactive.

My BP is 111/70 so no worries about pre-e. Urine was negative. I gained 3 lbs so I've gained a total of 19 lbs this pregnancy. Seem to be going up and down each week now so whatever. Appointment was a load of crap.. they chastised me for not taking my glyburide even though because of how much they have changed my dose I've been unable to get it filled because medicaid won't cover it. But my sugars haven't been too bad even not having it. She didn't measure me. She didn't check his heart beat. She didn't ask me how I felt or anything.. she did however tell me that they never got the fax from Lisa Ross @@ and I told her that that was a load of bullshit because we called them to make sureit was sent and it was.. this was the 3rd time they sent it. So they called Lisa Ross and had it faxed while the doctor stood there and waited. According to the Lisa Ross records my original due date was 2/17 and even though they later recanted and moved the due date to the 8th for a number a reasons the doctor is refusing to go by the 8th now.. which mean they will NOT induce me this week. According the doctor the soonest he is willing to induce (unless something comes up on NST or BPP on Friday) is the following Friday which will be the 10th. We have scheduled induction for that date if he doesn't come on his own. According to the ultrasound the kid is more the ready now but the doctor said the only way he would do it before the 10th is with another amnio and I'm not going through that again. I'll come back next week for regular appointment. It'll be my last one.