Tales from my life as a mom of 2 sons and 2 daughters


Cheli On Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Hey Everyone,

We had a doctors appointment today.. to see about the cyst that they found on River's brain back in September. Good NEWS!!!!!! The cysts are completely gone. She was able to get a good picture of his mouth and nose (see below) and was able to get some good pictures of his heart and everything is exactly where it should be and as it should be.. She also confirmed again that he is still a boy LOL (good thing since everything we have is for a little boy). She said that he weighs 1 lb 10 oz :) And he is measuring right at 24 weeks but in the 91st percentile in his weight and height for his age she said that she wouldn't worry TOO much right now because its still early BUT that once we hit 3rd trimester he will gain about 1/2 a pound to a pound a week so he has the potential of being a BIG boy. I gained another 2 lbs.. since my appointment in September which puts me at a total of 8 lbs this pregnancy. WOOOO HOOO..

We got the co sleeper today from ArmsReach FINALLY.. ordered the damn thing on October 13th. And we've already put it together and put it up next to the bed so I can get used to having it there and so the cats can get bored with it. We also bought a swing last night at Wal-Mart because it was really cheap.. I managed to put it together ass backwards until the last piece wouldn't fit.. realized what I did and had to undo it all and rebuild it.. stupid thing. But it's SOOOOO cute!!!!! We also bought another pack of diapers (so we have over 200 diapers now in size 1... one more package and I think we'll start buying 2's) How many diapers does the average newborn go through? And we bought some wipes.. I can NOT WAIT FOR HIM TO GET HERE!!!!!!

Anyway.. here are some pictures :)