Tales from my life as a mom of 2 sons and 2 daughters


Cheli On Thursday, October 4, 2007

OK so we don't know what the baby is, we didn't get to have an anatomy scan where we were supposed to because there was a problem with the insurance @@ I will be calling the insurance people tomorrow and reeming them. I ended up in tears for about 20 minutes. My poor midwife didn't know what to say and she felt bad.. once I was done completely loosing it, she asked for a hug ROFL. I love my midwife.

I am measuring 19 weeks instead of 18. Not a big deal. Urine was clear. The girl took my BP when I was still crying so my BP was through the roof but she meant to retake it before I left and forgot. I lost another lb. So I'm 3 lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight at the moment. YAY. Baby's heart rate is in the 140's now. I go back November 2nd for my next appointment and hopefully sometime between now and then I'll get to have my ultrasound.