Tales from my life as a mom of 2 sons and 2 daughters


Cheli On Thursday, December 21, 2006
River's surgery is today.. hopefully. We have to be there at 6:30 so we are leaving here in about 15-20 minutes. His surgery is scheduled for 8am. He's the first of the day. I'm hoping they will still be able to do it. River is congested and coughing. It sounds like it's in his nose and not his lungs so hopefully they'll still go through with it. The nose congestion is what happens that causes his ear infections and then his ear infections cause his nose congestion so he stays sick. He woke up last night at 1am wired for sound.. ready to party. So we let him play for about an hour and then I cuddled on the couch with him when he got fussy and gave him some warm water (he was allowed to have clear liquids up until 4am) and then held and rocked him and he fell asleep in my arms. We laid him back down at 2:30 and went back to bed ourselves until 5. This is my second day in a row of getting up at 5 am.. only this time is on 5 hours of sleep. YUCK I'll update when we get home