I am 31 weeks 4 days now! Less than 7 weeks until the girls arrive at most.

I had an OB appointment on Monday. I'm measuring 40 weeks now. Which basically means I'm as big as someone who is pregnant with one baby would be on the day the deliver! CRAZY I lost weight this time around which was nice. I'm still up 29 lbs but that's okay. I don't go back to see the OB until the 16th of the August because I'm being followed so closely by the perinatologist that there really is no reason for me to be seen any more frequently than that for now. Once I go back though I start going weekly.
I had a peri appointment today. It was a growth scan for the girls.
Kaeda is measuring 3 lbs 2 oz and Ember is measuring 4 lbs 3 oz. They means that the discordance between them is 25% (the doctors like it under 20%) but they are going to just keep watching for now and see how Kaeda does at the next growth scan (scheduled for August 20th) and we'll go from there.
okay.. so, I figured out, by fluke, that my blogger dashboard wasn't updating. I just figured you hadn't been online given twins and two boys and all... So... a whole pregnancy worth of comments should come your way!
a) You look amazing!
b) the girls look amazing!
c) the boys look amazing!!
Fingers crossed for fluid levels, sugar levels and ADHD levels. (PS: Is River on a dairy free diet? I know it sound flaky but there's lots of empirical evidence that dairy is a source of a LOT of kid behaviour problems...)
Now that I have blogger sorted out, I`m looking forward to reading more... not long now!
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