We are proud to announce that we are expecting IDENTICAL TWIN GIRLS!!!!!!
I was SO expecting blue too. Even though this pregnancy has been a world of different thus far I figured it was just because it's 2 of them. So we told her that we wanted to know if she could get a good shot of the goods. So as she was doing measurements for Baby A (the doctors office calls her Maria) LOL she was SO not shy about it and gave a few great peaks and she said. Oh that's a girl! I said are you sure?????? She said I've been doing this for 21 years and I've learned not to call a gender unless I'm sure. So then we tried Baby B (Who the peri office is calling Isabelle) who was in some God awful position and she tried EVERYTHING to get her to give us a shot but she as being a total booger and just wouldn't do it. But once we got a look at the placenta she said well there is only one placenta so that tells you Isabelle's gender :) WOOOOT!
So now that the shock has worn off a bit, here's the rest of the appointment info that I wasn't coherent enough yesterday for.
Baby A (Maria) is measuring at 15 weeks 2 days and is approximately 4 oz in weight currently.
Baby B (Isabelle) is measuring at 16 weeks 4 days and is approximately 5 oz in weight currently.
The perinatologist said they don't worry about the size discrepancy until it gets to be about 10 days to 2 weeks. We're at about 9 days now. So they want to monitor us VERY closely.
The girls are laying one or top of the other kind of pancaked in. So depending on which way they are laying they do a whole bunch of kicking each other in the head. LOL
Because of my history a child with a genetic anomaly and congenital heart defect. They are going to be monitoring me even closer. Normally they see you every 4 weeks for a scan with twins. For me they'll be seeing me every 2 weeks for a while and then probably every week. They are going to do fetal echocardiograms on BOTH girls when we are between 20-22 weeks So in about 3-5 weeks.
I go back to the OB on April 28th (next Wednesday) for a regular prenatal and he'll do a scan in office just to lay eyes on the girls and get heart rates (they won't rely on Doppler with twins) and I think I start seeing him every 2 weeks after that.
I go back to the perinatalogist in 2 weeks (May 4th) for another scan. They want to measure their abdomens because Baby B's abdomen is measuring a little large and Baby A's is measuring a little small and that can be another sign of TTTS (Twin to twin Transfusion Syndrome) and they won't to monitor amniotic fluid levels and cord blood flow.
The peri said that because of what type of twins they are (Monochorionic/Diamniotic) they WILL deliver early. He wouldn't discuss how early though, just said that depends on the girls and how well they continue to grow as the time gets closer. But it's looking like they will most likely end up August babies.

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