Yes it's official, I am a slacker. I haven't updated the bog in almost 2 months. I'm awful. So pull up a seat, get a drink and get ready for a LONG update....
First up..
Including tomorrow there is exactly 100 days left until I graduate the RN program. Only about 50 days of that will actually be spent doing something school related though (after removing holidays, weekends, days off etc). Our finals start this coming week with our Med Surg 2 Final on the 25th. Followed by a long weekend (26th-29th) and our final in Community Health that following Monday. Then our psych class officially ends on the 9th of December. So about 2 1/2 weeks left of the 5th semester and the last semester officially begins December 14th. So close. In fact, November 10th marked 1 year in the program!
November 10th also marked Doug and I's 4 year wedding anniversary. I can't believe it's been 4 years already. We get along the majority of the time but like any couple we have our ups and downs. I think once we get past the next 3 months we'll be good to go. Or at least a whole lot less stressed out over it all. Hopefully then I'll be able to concentrate on losing weight again, that is if I'm not pregnant by then...
River has been doing wonderful in school. He loves going to school most days and is learning so much. He just recently got a progress report sent home. Who knew that kiddos had progress reports at 3 years old LOL He is able to do everything they want him to do except for write his name and they are working on that now. He is so smart.

His behavior has gotten remarkably better. We still have some days where he just doesn't seem to be able to control himself but that's to be expected. He still has accidents with the pottying as well but I think it's more that he's lazy and not that he doesn't get it. Just not really sure what to do about it

During the interim between when I lost posted and now. Doug's childhood friend came into town for a visit. The one we were planning on going to disney with. I wish I could say it went great but truly it was an extremely uncomfortable experience that did not go too wonderfully. In fact, it went dang right horribly. We wont' be going to Disney like we had hoped for Christmas and our plans for going to Texas are absolutely NOT going to happen :( We are looking into staying here for a while yet and then when we are ready to relocate, relocating to TN like we had originally planned.
While L was here, Halloween came and went. Journey was dressed up as Woody from Toy Story and River went has Venom from Spiderman 3. It was EXTREMELY hot here that day so neither boy wanted to keep their hat/hoods on (can't say I blame them). Journey tuckered out rather quickly but River had a blast! And has been asking every other day since to go to Halloween again LOL.

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