I go tomorrow for my NET exam for nursing school. I'm anxious and excited and nervous and all sorts of stuff. I hope I can get in. We need this so bad. I want this. We'll see. Wish me luck! My weight loss has apparently stopped but that could have something to do with the fact that I have completely fallen off the wagon as far as that goes.. I've got no drive to do anything anymore. I'm tired ALL the time and just blah. I need to forcce myself to start walking and eating right again. I need to keep losing weight. Someone kick my butt in gear please.
Doug is going to start looking for a better job. It's great that he has the Massage Envy thing going right now but he's just not making enough money to survive really and he's getting severely underpaid for the profession so he's going to see what's out there while he continues to work for Massage Envy. He goes on October 4th for a Deep Tissue class. After that it will hopefully open up more clientele to him.. right now he's only allowed to do Relaxation massage and not many people are asking for that unfortunately. The office manager also said that October through December are their busiest months so hopefully things will pick up some. She said that he can start coming in on a day off if he wants and picking up more masages then so he's going to try doing that I think at least until I start school in November if I get in.
Journey went to a GI doctor on Thursday. He's having all sorts of acid reflux problems lately. They had him on the max Zantac dose they could for his weight and it wasn't helping so they wanted to have him evaluated by the GI doc. They want to do a Upper GI/Barium Swallow on him. They switched his medication in the mean time to Zegerid and said that they want to see him back in 4 weeks for another follow up and if he isn't doing remarkably better they want to do some blood work to see if there is an underlying problem going on like food intolerance or allergies of some kind. Then Saturday he started his RSV prevention shots with the pediatrician. He'll have to get it every 28 days from now until March or April in hopes of keeping him from getting RSV during the winter months because of his heart. That was not fun. Poor kiddo. We did discover that he is now 18 lbs even (OMG) and 25.6 inches (yes he's short). He is still not crawling or sitting up on his own (he can for short periods of time) but he did start laughing this week which was a wonderful treat for me :)
River is still being River. Too smart for his own good and his back talking is out of control. But a good turn of events is that he is back to sleeping in his own bed at night. We do have to leave his bedroom lamp on for him though or he won't go in there. He doesn't even like me turning it off during the day when he's not in there. Silly boy. He can count to 29 now which amazes me. He is such a happy boy most of the time and such a joy. I love him so much. Oh and he desperately needs a hair cut.
Here is a few pics of Journey we got a few days ago.
i love you and i can never tell you how much i appreciate you being there for me and our talk today.. you are amazing, my love and you will always own a piece of my heart!
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