I weighed in today and for the first time since I started actively trying to lose weight back in March.. I gained weight :( I am up 1 lb over last weeks weight. But I also did my measurements this week for the month and I lost 3 inches off my waist which is awesome. Honestly I can't be all that disappointed in not losing weight this past week I have really really slacked off on my exercising and eating right and drinking water so my goal for August is to get back with it. Get back to drinking my recommened water, eating better, and getting exercise in more often. We shall see. I'd like to lose 8 lbs this month. Last month I lost 5.8 lbs..
I go in on Thursday for my tooth/teeth extraction. I'm getting 6 teeth removed. I'm scared to death. It's weird. I'm more scared about getting 6 teeth pulled than I was about a damn c-section. I don't figure that getting wisdom teeth pulled can any way get close to the pain after a c-section, right? I should be fine... right? LOL
I got a call this week from Maxim about doing the flu clinics again this year. It's easy money although not much of it but money is money. I go in on August 19th for orientation and we'll go from there. I need to find out where to go to get my CPR recertifiied. It expires on September 1st. I can't believe it's been 2 years already. Crazy.
Doug finally get his insurance this week and called his work. Who miracles of all miracles still wants him to work there. He did however tell her that he wouldnt' be able to work the weekend of my surgery because I won't be able to care for the boys on my own the weekend so she said to just wait until August 13th to start working there. He goes in 3-10 on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings and Saturday he work 10 to 6 and Sunday 8 to 1. I'm excited. I know he's excited. He just ordered his cards today to have cards to start trying to bring clients in on the side for more money. Doug has been to the dentist twice in the last week. He has now had all of his fillings. He found out that he will also need to get his wisdom teeth removed and 2 other teeth pulled as well but he was told that there is hope for saving the other 2 teeth so he is going to wait until we have dental insurance from his work and see if they'll cover what he needs to fix them so that he doesn't lose them.
River went to the doctor this week because somehow got pink eye again. No idea how. So he's been on an antibiotic for that for the last few days, he doesn't like the drops at all. We found out that he is 33 lbs even and 39 inches tall. He super tall. 97th percentile for height and 84th for weight. Such a big boy he is. He is such a smart boy too. He will be 2 1/2 next week. Where is the time going?
Journey is doing great. He went to the cardiologist last week a previously updated on and went to the pediatrician the same day we took River for a rash and a weight check. He is up to 13 lbs 11 oz and 25 inches in length. He's tiny but he's growing so there is nothing to worry about. We aren't giving him solids. The last few times we've tried he's wound up with a ton of tummy issues all night so we're going to hold off for a while yet. He's still nursing but I'm not sure for how much longer. He's just not getting full off the breast anymore and he's also having tummy issues with something I'm eating. I think it's just going to be easier on the both of us after the 6 month mark to call it done or at least not fight so hard for it and I'm okay with that.. I made it to the 6 month mark and that was my goal. 

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