I gained 4 lbs in 2 weeks which brings me up to 2 lbs total gain for the pregnancy. My BP was fine 120/76.
I was given a bunch of paperwork to fill out when I got there. They needed written directions to my house from the birthing center for the 24 hour post natal appointment. I had to sign that I received information on the main newborn tests and procedures, I had to sign that I understand that if at any time the midwife thinks I'm at risk or the baby is she has the right to send me to St Luke's (the hospital) for delivery under the OB. And I had to fill out the paper work for Journey's birth certificate (won't be official until we sign it and all of his birth information is entered in). I was also given a copy of what they require you bring to the birthing center for delivery (basically what to put in your bag LOL)
The appointment went fine. I saw Sharon, she's the head midwife but not the one I feel a major connection with. She also has a new apprentice/training midwife working with her now so she was there for our appointment. We did my GBS screen. Measured my fundus (I'm measuring 36 weeks) and listened to Journey. He is most definately HEAD DOWN!!! WOOO HOOO! And his heartbeat is good and str ong. :) I start weekly appointments now *OMG* and my next appointment is Feb 7th (next Thursday).
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