Has it really been a month since I updated?? I'm horrible. I've been reading my subscriptions daily but I just haven't had the energy to sit here and type out an entry and blah blah blah.. yeah I'm lazy.
Let's see.. I'm 32 weeks pregnant tomorrow.. can you believe it? 8 weeks until my due date and only 35 days until little one is allowed to come out. Crazy. I had a midwife appointment last week, it was the first one in a month because my scatterbrain mixed up dates for the previous one and we were out of town when I was supposed to go. Anyway.. as of 31 weeks I have gained officially 2 lbs this pregnancy. LMAO I was hoping to gain about as much as I gained with River (20 lbs) but it looks like I'll be gaining less than that.. which is totally fine with me. Baby sounds great.. heartbeat is in the 130s. He still hasn't gone head down though which is worrisome a little bit I'm not going to stress over it.. yet. I go back on the 16th for my next appointment and then again on the 30th and then I'll start the weekly appointments.. WOW. It's amazing to me how fast this pregnancy has gone.
Also pregnancy related.. I spent New Years Eve in L&D getting monitored. It appears I caught a stomach bug from my son (thank you son) and spent all day on the 31st puking. (I threw up about a total of 15 times.. I HATE throwing up). I ended up needing 2000ml of fluids and they told me I was having contractions every 2 minutes lasting a minute a piece so I was given 2 shots of terbutiline to stop the contractions and then was given a shot of phenergran and a shot of Zofran to stop the nausea/puking.. Oh the fun. The good news is I got an ultrasound out of the whole mess.. baby is measuring a week ahead and there is a possibility that he is actually a SHE but we won't know for sure until baby arrives in 2 months. LOL This kiddo is very quiet in utero compared to River.. if it wasn't for the 5-7 cases of hiccups a day I wouldn't know this kid was still around. Kinda freaky but it will be nice if he is this laid back when he's here.
Let's see... non pregnancy related. We went to TN for Christmas vacation. Doug was off school from the 21st through the 2nd so we decided to go spend it with friends. We stayed with R and K while we were there and had a wonderful time. Unfortunately K ended up needing emergency surgery Christmas morning :( so we had to cut our trip a bit short but it was wonderful to see them (and everyone else) nonetheless. We got to go to Temple on the 22nd and had a WONDERFUL time. Got to see most of our friends and enjoy the atmosphere and then we go to go to an unexpected private party Christmas Eve Night that was most enjoyable as well. It made us miss TN all the more and we can't wait to be back up there where we belong. We also got to visit River's girlfriend while we were there which was great. They are 5 weeks apart and are finally old enough to be able to interact with each other. It was great fun watching them. We got a few pics of the two of them together and if I can stop being lazy I'll post them with the rest of the pictures I need to post.
Hmmm what next.. OH I celebrated my 24th birthday last Thursday.. WOO HOOO. Go me :) Celebrated by staying home and spending the whole day just Doug and I. It was peaceful and relaxing and very enjoyable. Doug and I received a giftcard to Outback for Christmas from my mother so we used that for my birthday dinner and had a wonderful meal.
River is doing wonderful. We are still trying to get his allergies under control. He's got a nose that never stops running and a cough that never really goes away so we were back in the doctor's office on Friday getting him checked out. He is now taking liquid Claritin in the morning and powdered Singulair at night so we'll see if that helps. He will be 23 months old on Friday.. one more month and my baby will be turning 2. Where has the time gone? While we were at the doctors they weighed him and we measured him he is 37 inches and 31 lbs. He's HUGE!!! I knew he was tall but WOW.. He amazes us every day.. he's talking more and more and has turned into this little person all the sudden. It's amazing. He is able to communicate his wants and needs much more effectively but still has the oh so wonderful toddler tantrums. He has started to talk in 2 or 3 word sentences. He knows his colors (if you ask him to find you a blue block he can find you one). He's just an amazing little person!
Doug is doing well also. We are trying to get back into the swing of things being back down here and the holidays being behind us now. He got his massage table before the break and has really enjoyed it so far. He will graduate the first half of April some time and that's right around the corner. I'm so proud of him.
Hmmm I think that might be everything....
Stay tuned for a picture post... hopefully..