Welcome to the world River!!! This is our very first picture together right after he was born and they placed him on my chest..
Fussy boy..
Eyes open... and look at his feet!!! Baby feet!!!! He's so modest ROFL...
First picture with Daddy (about 20 minutes later once Daddy felt like he could hold him).. all nice and snuggled..
River in the main nursery getting ready for his bath. He was less than happy...
OK now he's ready to let the world know exactly what he thinks about this whole bath thing. What's going on!!!
Ahhhh that's better.. all nice and snuggled up again.. time to sleep...
Mommy and River in the NICU (hence the cord behind him).. forgive my looks EEEKKK
Awwww my handsome little munchkin!!
Daddy getting a good look at his son... yep he's already hooked (I LOVE THIS PICTURE)
The first picture of all 3 of us.. poor munchkin all hooked up to the machines..
Mommy getting ready to be discharged.. saying goodbye for the 4th or 5th time.. LOL
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