Remember when I used to have all this time to update my blog about every little thing going on in my life?? Yeah it's been a while and I don't forsee that changing any time soon. It's been another 2 weeks since I last updated. I keep saying to myself, I'll update this after tomorrow's appointment or after the appointment on Friday or.. and I never do. So here we go..
Pregnancy/me stuff
I am 27 weeks pregnant today! WOOO HOOO. I'm starting to get to the point in this pregnancy where I'm just never comfortable. My sciatic nerve has been awful this go round and by evening I can't lay down, can't sit, can't move with out searing pain in my back, hips, and legs. Ember is so high in my abdomen that she's making it difficult for me to breathe. Everyone comments on how high I'm carrying these girls... see for yourself....

In non pregnancy, me news. I signed up to take classes through the University of Phoenix online for my Bachelor's of Science in Nursing degree. My first class starts tomorrow. I completely the orientation last week. If all goes according to plan I'll graduate from the program in February 2012. But we all know how well plans go.
River Related Stuff
We have been working hard to get River evaluated by whomever he needs to be evaluated by in order to figure out his behavior issues. The pediatrician months ago was prepared to diagnose him with ADHD but wanted a 2nd opinion because of his age. We started seeing a therapist at Clay Behavioral (local mental health place) and when she left the business we started seeing a 2nd therapist (his current) who referred him to a psychiatrist for evaluation. We had the evaluation last week and she 100% agrees he is ADHD. Strongly enough so that she was willing to put him on a medication to see if we could help him out. After trying to figure out a medication that is safe for a child his age to take he started it on Friday. Thus far we see little change. Maybe 30 minutes to an hour after the pill kicks in where he is calmer and more able to focus but it doesn't last long. Hopefully that's just a need to increase his dosage as we have started him on the lowest dose. He'll go back to Dr. I in about 3 weeks.
As part of this treatment plan we also signed up for a group called "Family Conservation" run through the same facility. They send someone out to the house once a week for 10-12 weeks to give us ideas on ways we might be able to improve things at home. She looks for ways to help us, referrals we may need, connections she might be able to make, things she think may help. Her first visit was last week and 2nd was today. She said that she, his therapist, and the psychiatrist strongly believe that he may have more going on than just the ADHD and SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder) that he's already been diagnosed with. They have referred him to a neuro-developmental specialist who does a comprehensive evaluation of all sorts of different things in order to see what might be going on with him. Unfortunately, this particular group of specialist has up to a 2 year waiting list. They won't even put him on the waiting list until we fill out a packet of paperwork they are going to send us and then turn it back in to them. However through all of this we have received an IEP for River to help with school as well as a recommendation (or 2) that he be placed in an ESE VPK program next year where they will be more equipped to handle him and help him. The last part of his treatment plan involves us getting him a case manager who can help us get him in to all of these things he needs and help us advocate for him. Finally I feel like we're moving in the right direction