This big!!!!!
On Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I am really hoping to have some pictures of River to share with in the next few days. Getting any good shots of him is SO hard as he's never still and when we do manage to get him to sit still, he closes his eyes when we get his picture. But meanwhile... Here are a few of Journey.
This picture is Journey in one of his new 18 month jammies. They are still a bit big on him and he get caught up in the footies when he walks but the 12 months won't fit him much longer in the length so he's in the weird in between size.

Look at those beautiful baby blues!!!

As many of you know, we have had major issues as of lately with Journey getting some pretty nasty diaper rashes. This only started when we put him in disposables. It didn't matter how often we changed him or anything else so it occured to me that perhaps he's sensitive to the disposable diapers themselves. So a friend (thank you Stacey) suggested I try the same diapering system that she uses for her daughter K. These are g-diapers and inside are some prefolds (think the old style cloth diapers that many people use as burp cloth) so the whole system is completely reuseable which means 1) no more diaper trash and 2) hopefully no more diaper costs.. YAY Another really cool feature is they fasten in the back so my little nudist can't get out of them easily :)

"Hello... what's that??? You think she needs to shop taking pictures of me too??"

In other news... Journey and River will BOTH be starting school on August 24th. River will be starting preschool and Journey will be starting 3 hour days (9am until Noon) at The Lighthouse Learning Center. For those of you who can't get to the website right now.. it's a preschool for children with special needs. And best of all, because Journey is enrolled in Early Steps it is completely paid for. His therapists both see clients there so they will both be able to see Journey while he is at school and it will give Journey a chance to socialize with other children and adults. They have an RN on staff at all times and they base the ciriculum around each kiddo. And they'll work with his cloth diapers :) WOOOT.
River has been doing phenomonal with his pottying. He very rarely has accidents during the day and usually only when mommy and daddy forget to remind him to go. So it looks like he should be potty trained for school next month. YAY! He has been doing great with his therapy sessions and seems like our biggest issue lately is just normal 3 year old things like back talking, not listening.. which don't get me wrong, it's HIGHLY annoying.
School is going okay. The semester is proving to be a lot more time to consuming then I thought. I'm exhausted even after a night's rest but I'll get through it. (I hope). 7 months to go...
This picture is Journey in one of his new 18 month jammies. They are still a bit big on him and he get caught up in the footies when he walks but the 12 months won't fit him much longer in the length so he's in the weird in between size.
Look at those beautiful baby blues!!!
As many of you know, we have had major issues as of lately with Journey getting some pretty nasty diaper rashes. This only started when we put him in disposables. It didn't matter how often we changed him or anything else so it occured to me that perhaps he's sensitive to the disposable diapers themselves. So a friend (thank you Stacey) suggested I try the same diapering system that she uses for her daughter K. These are g-diapers and inside are some prefolds (think the old style cloth diapers that many people use as burp cloth) so the whole system is completely reuseable which means 1) no more diaper trash and 2) hopefully no more diaper costs.. YAY Another really cool feature is they fasten in the back so my little nudist can't get out of them easily :)
"Hello... what's that??? You think she needs to shop taking pictures of me too??"
In other news... Journey and River will BOTH be starting school on August 24th. River will be starting preschool and Journey will be starting 3 hour days (9am until Noon) at The Lighthouse Learning Center. For those of you who can't get to the website right now.. it's a preschool for children with special needs. And best of all, because Journey is enrolled in Early Steps it is completely paid for. His therapists both see clients there so they will both be able to see Journey while he is at school and it will give Journey a chance to socialize with other children and adults. They have an RN on staff at all times and they base the ciriculum around each kiddo. And they'll work with his cloth diapers :) WOOOT.
River has been doing phenomonal with his pottying. He very rarely has accidents during the day and usually only when mommy and daddy forget to remind him to go. So it looks like he should be potty trained for school next month. YAY! He has been doing great with his therapy sessions and seems like our biggest issue lately is just normal 3 year old things like back talking, not listening.. which don't get me wrong, it's HIGHLY annoying.
School is going okay. The semester is proving to be a lot more time to consuming then I thought. I'm exhausted even after a night's rest but I'll get through it. (I hope). 7 months to go...
On Saturday, July 18, 2009
While we were out walking in our yard with the boys just a bit ago we came across this....

The poor thing appears to be hurt. He's trying to fly off but can't seem to get going. We called Animal control and guess what we found out... Animal control here is Monday thru Friday. So We called the local County Sheriff and told them that we have a hurt hawk in our yard and asked if we could have an after hours number for someone to come get it being that we have 2 small boys here. So they are contacting someone on our behalf and will send someone out here tonight to get it.
Meanwhile.. we are trying to make sure that none of the other wildlife bothers it :(
EDIT:::: We took the hawk to a rescuer this morning. It was a red-shouldered hawk which IS on the protected species list in Florida. She was doing okay this morning. Was feisty and ready to take off.
The poor thing appears to be hurt. He's trying to fly off but can't seem to get going. We called Animal control and guess what we found out... Animal control here is Monday thru Friday. So We called the local County Sheriff and told them that we have a hurt hawk in our yard and asked if we could have an after hours number for someone to come get it being that we have 2 small boys here. So they are contacting someone on our behalf and will send someone out here tonight to get it.
Meanwhile.. we are trying to make sure that none of the other wildlife bothers it :(
EDIT:::: We took the hawk to a rescuer this morning. It was a red-shouldered hawk which IS on the protected species list in Florida. She was doing okay this morning. Was feisty and ready to take off.
On Monday, July 13, 2009
Today was the start of the 4th semester. OMG welcome to hell. It's not that any one class is hard. It's that there is ALOT of effin work. What the hell was I thinking?? I got up at 6am this morning and I just finished my school work (or as much of it as I can concentrate on tonight) and it's 10pm. And the joy of it.. I get to do it all over again tomorrow. Tomorrow I have a day much the same as today. Then Wednesday I have Health Assessment with an instructor as yet unknown. Class should get out at about 1pm . Thursday is another long day. We're planning on being at the school until approximately 4pm but we will be getting IV therapy training. WOOT. Finally something new. Kinda.
Nice to know that when I come home I get to come home to someone as cute as this...

River has been testing our patience lately. He's become extremely defiant. Telling us NO when we tell him to do something. Telling us to "Wait a second". Stomping around when he doesn't get his way. He is still doing well on the potty training. No real improvement but no real back track either. So we'll take it. School starts in just over a month. I'm so ready for him to get back into the routine. He went for evaluation the other day at the preschool and they said that he is academically on track or ahead in every aspect. He is however lagging behind a bit in personal/social skill. No surprises there. Hopefully with some school and interaction with other kids he'll come up in that too. I know he's excited.
Journey will be starting a daycare a few days a week in the mornings for a few hours to try and get him used to socializing with other people and children. The daycare specializes in children with developmental delays and learning disabilities. So Journey will be in great hands. Early Steps and River's preschool director and therapy center all spoke high praise of the place. And best of all, because Journey has an IEP through Early Steps, it's covered. We pay nothing unless we want extended hours past noon. I'm STOKED. I'm not sure how well it will go over with him but I'm very excited. And I think his occupational therapist and speech therapists will be able to see him there for his therapy sessions as well so he'll be able to continue his care. It will be GREAT for him.
Doug is doing great with his massages. School and boys don't allow him much time to schedule massages but he has a few regular clients that keep coming back and that's always a good thing. He's great at what he does and he loves it. I'm hoping that if Journey starts the daycare center and River starts preschool that Doug will be able to start picking up a few more clients. If nothing else, hopefully my hours will make it easier for him to pick up an occasional client.
I got my CPR recertified last week so now I can start picking up shifts or sign on per diem with a facility for some extra funds as well. I'm hesitant to do it because I don't know how rough this semester is going to be. I want to try and settle into the semester before I start picking up shifts but the idea of having income coming in regularly again is SO appealing. I just don't want my school grades to suffer because of it.
Well it's 10pm so I guess I should stop writing and go to bed.
Nice to know that when I come home I get to come home to someone as cute as this...
River has been testing our patience lately. He's become extremely defiant. Telling us NO when we tell him to do something. Telling us to "Wait a second". Stomping around when he doesn't get his way. He is still doing well on the potty training. No real improvement but no real back track either. So we'll take it. School starts in just over a month. I'm so ready for him to get back into the routine. He went for evaluation the other day at the preschool and they said that he is academically on track or ahead in every aspect. He is however lagging behind a bit in personal/social skill. No surprises there. Hopefully with some school and interaction with other kids he'll come up in that too. I know he's excited.
Journey will be starting a daycare a few days a week in the mornings for a few hours to try and get him used to socializing with other people and children. The daycare specializes in children with developmental delays and learning disabilities. So Journey will be in great hands. Early Steps and River's preschool director and therapy center all spoke high praise of the place. And best of all, because Journey has an IEP through Early Steps, it's covered. We pay nothing unless we want extended hours past noon. I'm STOKED. I'm not sure how well it will go over with him but I'm very excited. And I think his occupational therapist and speech therapists will be able to see him there for his therapy sessions as well so he'll be able to continue his care. It will be GREAT for him.
Doug is doing great with his massages. School and boys don't allow him much time to schedule massages but he has a few regular clients that keep coming back and that's always a good thing. He's great at what he does and he loves it. I'm hoping that if Journey starts the daycare center and River starts preschool that Doug will be able to start picking up a few more clients. If nothing else, hopefully my hours will make it easier for him to pick up an occasional client.
I got my CPR recertified last week so now I can start picking up shifts or sign on per diem with a facility for some extra funds as well. I'm hesitant to do it because I don't know how rough this semester is going to be. I want to try and settle into the semester before I start picking up shifts but the idea of having income coming in regularly again is SO appealing. I just don't want my school grades to suffer because of it.
Well it's 10pm so I guess I should stop writing and go to bed.
On Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Are you an organ donor?
Is it listed on your driver's license that in the event something should happen to you, you want your organs donated to someone else? GREAT!
Does your family and loved ones know of your wishes? Will they honor them if/when the time comes? MAKE SURE THEY WILL!
I am a registered organ donor and have been since I was legally old enough to drive. Although I knew the importance of being a donor for those who need organs, it never really affected me in my life and I never really thought much about it. Then about 2 years ago when I got pregnant with Journey I met a girl who was due almost the same day as I was. Jessica. We talked through e-mail and on message boards with frequency and grew to be friends. In February 2008 I gave birth to Journey and she gave birth to her beautiful little man, Logan. We both relished in our beautiful brand new little boys and enjoyed being new moms together. She was there for me when Journey was diagnosed with his heart problems (and has been there for me during all of Journey's subsequent issues) and when Logan was diagnosed with end-stage renal disease last year Jess was thrown for a loop and had to learn a whole new way of life to accomadate his special needs. A life of labs, dialysis, feeding pumps, medications, and the ever looming transplant.
Logan will be activated on the UNOS waiting list on July 28th, where he will join approximately 80,000 other people waiting for a kidney. He such a beautiful little boy with such a fighters spirit. His story and his life have taught me SO much about being thankful what I have, the importance of organ donation, and the importance of making sure people are aware of the the need for donors. After his transplant Logan will have to take antirejection drugs for the rest of his life. He'll eventually need another kidney transplant (about 10-15 years from now and every 10 to 15 years after) so his medical bills will be a long time coming. And I intend to do everything I can to raise awareness about the need for organ donation to make sure that Logan is able to get his kidney whenever he needs it.
For me, THIS is the face of organ donation... THIS is the face for end stage renal disease.. THIS is why it's so important for people to sign up for donation.
If you aren't a donor and would like more information on becoming a donor, please feel free to comment and I will make sure you have all the information you need. If you have any other questions etc.. feel free to message me or leave comments! And please spread the word about Logan's story and the importance of being a donor to your friends,family, and anyone else you know!

Is it listed on your driver's license that in the event something should happen to you, you want your organs donated to someone else? GREAT!
Does your family and loved ones know of your wishes? Will they honor them if/when the time comes? MAKE SURE THEY WILL!
I am a registered organ donor and have been since I was legally old enough to drive. Although I knew the importance of being a donor for those who need organs, it never really affected me in my life and I never really thought much about it. Then about 2 years ago when I got pregnant with Journey I met a girl who was due almost the same day as I was. Jessica. We talked through e-mail and on message boards with frequency and grew to be friends. In February 2008 I gave birth to Journey and she gave birth to her beautiful little man, Logan. We both relished in our beautiful brand new little boys and enjoyed being new moms together. She was there for me when Journey was diagnosed with his heart problems (and has been there for me during all of Journey's subsequent issues) and when Logan was diagnosed with end-stage renal disease last year Jess was thrown for a loop and had to learn a whole new way of life to accomadate his special needs. A life of labs, dialysis, feeding pumps, medications, and the ever looming transplant.
Logan will be activated on the UNOS waiting list on July 28th, where he will join approximately 80,000 other people waiting for a kidney. He such a beautiful little boy with such a fighters spirit. His story and his life have taught me SO much about being thankful what I have, the importance of organ donation, and the importance of making sure people are aware of the the need for donors. After his transplant Logan will have to take antirejection drugs for the rest of his life. He'll eventually need another kidney transplant (about 10-15 years from now and every 10 to 15 years after) so his medical bills will be a long time coming. And I intend to do everything I can to raise awareness about the need for organ donation to make sure that Logan is able to get his kidney whenever he needs it.
For me, THIS is the face of organ donation... THIS is the face for end stage renal disease.. THIS is why it's so important for people to sign up for donation.
If you aren't a donor and would like more information on becoming a donor, please feel free to comment and I will make sure you have all the information you need. If you have any other questions etc.. feel free to message me or leave comments! And please spread the word about Logan's story and the importance of being a donor to your friends,family, and anyone else you know!

On Monday, July 6, 2009
I really need to update.. it's been forever since I have.
I finished my 3rd semester of school last week. I somehow managed to keep my 4.0 through the finals :) We'll see what next semester has in store. I am taking Mother/Baby, Health Assessment and Pharmacology 2 next semester. No surprise that I am slightly PSYCHED about the first :) Less than 250 days until I graduate. I'm very excited. I'm ready for the next chapter of our lives to begin. As far as my weight goes.. I'm stuck. I managed to get down to 153 and then gained a few lbs and have been hanging around in the upper 150s-160's since then. Don't think that finals helped much. But now that finals are over, I'm ready to start again. I'd REALLY like to see the 140s sometime soon. Boy you'd think when it's been this long since a real update I'd have more to say about me than I do.. oh well.
River is doing GREAT! He'll be 3 1/2 next month. His therapy for sensory integration is going good. He's made a ton of progress. His speech gets clearer every day. And he seems to understand what we're saying more and more as well. The things he comes up with surprise the heck out of me sometimes. The big news with River is that yesterday he started potty training and he is doing AMAZING! He is having 2 or 3 accidents a day still but he's also going on the big boy potty like 8 or 9 times a day. He is very interested and very into getting to wear his big boy pants and loves the praise he gets for going potty like a big boy. He's amazing! I'm so THRILLED that he's learning this easy. Everyone kept saying don't push him (not that we would have anyway) and he'd do it when he was ready. And it sure seems like it paid off. He's ready and it's going very easy. I'm hoping to have him day trained by the time he starts school next month. Yep that's right, August 24th will be River's first day of preschool! He'll go Monday-Friday 8am to 2pm and we're SO excited to get him back into a routine. I think it's just what he needs. His hair is growing out again. it's been 7 months since we had to cut it. I LOVE it looking long again. I missed it. He looks more like my River now.

I finished my 3rd semester of school last week. I somehow managed to keep my 4.0 through the finals :) We'll see what next semester has in store. I am taking Mother/Baby, Health Assessment and Pharmacology 2 next semester. No surprise that I am slightly PSYCHED about the first :) Less than 250 days until I graduate. I'm very excited. I'm ready for the next chapter of our lives to begin. As far as my weight goes.. I'm stuck. I managed to get down to 153 and then gained a few lbs and have been hanging around in the upper 150s-160's since then. Don't think that finals helped much. But now that finals are over, I'm ready to start again. I'd REALLY like to see the 140s sometime soon. Boy you'd think when it's been this long since a real update I'd have more to say about me than I do.. oh well.
River is doing GREAT! He'll be 3 1/2 next month. His therapy for sensory integration is going good. He's made a ton of progress. His speech gets clearer every day. And he seems to understand what we're saying more and more as well. The things he comes up with surprise the heck out of me sometimes. The big news with River is that yesterday he started potty training and he is doing AMAZING! He is having 2 or 3 accidents a day still but he's also going on the big boy potty like 8 or 9 times a day. He is very interested and very into getting to wear his big boy pants and loves the praise he gets for going potty like a big boy. He's amazing! I'm so THRILLED that he's learning this easy. Everyone kept saying don't push him (not that we would have anyway) and he'd do it when he was ready. And it sure seems like it paid off. He's ready and it's going very easy. I'm hoping to have him day trained by the time he starts school next month. Yep that's right, August 24th will be River's first day of preschool! He'll go Monday-Friday 8am to 2pm and we're SO excited to get him back into a routine. I think it's just what he needs. His hair is growing out again. it's been 7 months since we had to cut it. I LOVE it looking long again. I missed it. He looks more like my River now.
Journey will be 17 months old in a little over a week. He's changing so much before our eyes. He's finally getting some hair (blonde) and his eyes have remained that beautiful blue! (YAY). He's got a mouthful of teeth ( 10 at last check) and he's such a chunk. I weighed and measured him here at the house and although they aren't the "official" stats. He is about 30 inches and 24 lbs. hehe. He has perfected the skill of walking. Is even running all over the house now. He's also learned to climb (and loves to show off the skill by climbing onto the couch and running along the cushions). He loves to play with his brother and he's a total momma's boy. He has a sweet beautiful little laugh that makes everyone smile and he's such a cuddle bug. He's learned how to give kisses now (big open mouth sloppy wet ones LOL) and will do so if you ask him for kisses. He's seeing a speech therapist once a week for right now and has learned how to sign "more" and "eat". He's started saying ma ma ma but I don't think he knows what it means yet. Still no actual words in his vocabulary. The speech therapist spoke with his early intervention coordinator a week or so ago and they want to get him started with Occupational Therapy as well. He is on a sippy cup now full time but doesn't seem to have the ability to sit up and drink from it so he has to lay down to do it. They think it has something to do with his trunk muscles. I think if he doesn't start showing some pretty good improvement in the next few months I'm going to talk with Early Intervention and see what programs are available for him that he might get more intensive therapy.
He was scheduled to have surgery on August 12th for his tubes for his ears but we got a call today from the scheduling center saying that the doctor had to go on emergency medical leave and won't be back until September so we have to reschedule the surgery for sometime in September by calling in August sometime to do it. Whatever. At least it's just for tubes. I'm really not even sure he needs the tubes. he hasn't had another ear infection in months. He goes back to GI sometimes this month for a re-eval as we've had him off of his acid reflux medication for a few months and they want to see how he does. He seems to be doing okay with out it. So hopefully come the end of the month he'll be done with one of the specialist. YAY.
He was scheduled to have surgery on August 12th for his tubes for his ears but we got a call today from the scheduling center saying that the doctor had to go on emergency medical leave and won't be back until September so we have to reschedule the surgery for sometime in September by calling in August sometime to do it. Whatever. At least it's just for tubes. I'm really not even sure he needs the tubes. he hasn't had another ear infection in months. He goes back to GI sometimes this month for a re-eval as we've had him off of his acid reflux medication for a few months and they want to see how he does. He seems to be doing okay with out it. So hopefully come the end of the month he'll be done with one of the specialist. YAY.
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