You can get an idea of how long is hair is now :)
OK so it's been about 10 days since I updated really other than the picture back on the 4th. So let's see...
I'm just shy of 28 weeks and feeling wonderful for the most part. I have lower back pain and hip pain but other than that I feel great for being 7 months pregnant. The I can totally deal with the normal aches and pains associated with pregnancy. :) And I can't believe that I only have about 12 weeks left until this little one will be here and I won't be pregnant anymore. I am enjoying this pregnancy immensely.. enjoying the feeling of the baby moving around and kicking and being active. Enjoying dreaming of who he is and what he'll look like when he arrives. As we get closer to D day I'm getting nervous/anxious. For those who don't know I'm using a midwife this time and a birthing center. The birthing center is free standing (which means it's not attached to a hospital) and I will be doing the birth completely natural. I'm hoping for a water birth this time around and I'm just nervous about going about it completely med free as I had every intervention possible with River pretty much. Any words of wisdom from those who have done it before? :)
We put River back in daycare last Monday. The daycare called us a couple weeks ago and offered us a scholarship for River to come back. Basically we pay a very small fee for his daycare weekly and the daycare pays the rest. He loves being back in daycare. I've come to realize that he is just one of those social babies who needs the interaction and socialization that the daycare gives him. The daycare has started him the Two Year Old class room :) Basically because they didn't have any room in the Ones and he is so close to turning two. She also thinks that being with the older kids will be more beneficial to him than being with the babies and I agree. The two major things they work on in the twos are drinking from an open cup and potty training. He's doing well with the drinking from an open cup as long as there isn't alot in there (he doesn't seem to realize he has to stop or it's going to keep coming) but the potty training.. ROFL... He'll be 22 months old on Tuesday.. 2 more months and he'll turn 2. OMG where the hell has the time gone *sniff*
Doug will be done with his 5th mod in about a week and half (Thursday the 20th) and we'll be leaving that night for Tennessee :) WOOO HOOOO We'll be up visiting for about 5 days or so and would love to see everyone. Please let Doug or I know if you'd like to get together and we'll try and make sure to see everyone. We'll be making an appearence at Temple on the 22nd as well :) But of course little man won't be with us there ;) And I'll be hugely pregnant ROFL. I have slowed down on work (only working about 2 or 3 days a week as opposed to 4 or 5). An 8 hour shift takes alot more out of you when you are pregnant LOL. So we'll have no problems with coming up there.